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    Should my business hire an editor?

    Many businesses believe that editing is something they can do on their own. But if you've missed a typo or grammatical error in your first draft, there's a good chance you’ll miss it again when you go back to proofread it. 




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    Christmas Giveaway Winner

    Thank you so much to everyone who entered our Christmas giveaway last year. Congratulations to the winner, Tammy Claire Baker! We’re so happy to hear that you’re enjoying your three-month subscription from Bookabuy.




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    i before e except after c, except...

    Following on from our last post Lies your English teacher told you, here is another “rule” you should ignore: i before e except after c.

    The rule applies to words where the letter combination is pronounced as ee, such as receive and ceiling. But what about words in which the letters are pronounced differently, such as science and efficient? Or words that don't include the letter c or ee sound, such as beige and neighbour


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    Lies your English teacher told you

    Lie #1: Never split an infinitive.

    An infinitive is the basic form of a verb (for example, to run or to write). Infinitives are split when an adverb is placed between the two words. A famous example is Captain Kirk’s “…to boldly go where no man has gone before”. It’s important to listen to the flow of your sentence when considering whether or not to split infinitives. Sometimes the adverb needs emphasis, or it just wouldn’t work anywhere else in the sentence. But never split infinitives if it could cause confusion or alter the sentence's meaning.

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